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Copying an Approval Group

Use the Copy Group button at the top of the Approval Groups grid to copy one or more approval groups created for one request type, along with their assigned locations, jobs, and approval groups (if applicable), to other request types. You can copy both active and inactive approval groups.

You may find the Copy Group function useful if your organization uses the same approval groups to approve all request types. In this instance, you can create the approval groups for one request type, and then copy those approval groups to the other request types.

You can modify the copied approval groups. Refer to the Modifying an Approval Group topic for more information.

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To copy an approval group:

  1. Click the Approval Groups link on the Admin Home page.

  2. Click the Request Type Drop Down List button to select the type of request associated with the approval group to be copied.

  3. Click the button. The Copy [Request Type] Approval Group(s) page appears (where [Request Type] equals the type of request selected on the System Settings - Approval Groups page). The Available Approval Groups list displays all approval groups currently defined for the selected request type.

  4. In the Available Request Types list, click a request type to which the approval groups will be copied. Click the Right Arrow button to move the request type to the Selected Request Types list. Repeat this step for each applicable request type.

For example, to copy the Benefit Request approval groups to create the Deduction Request approval groups, move the Deduction request type from the Available Request Types list to the Selected Request Types list.

  1. In the Available Approval Groups list, click an approval group to be copied to the selected request types. Click the Right Arrow button to move the approval group to the Selected Approval Groups list. Repeat this step for each approval group to be copied.

  2. Click the Save button to create copies of the selected approval groups for the selected request type. The message "Approval Groups Successfully Copied." will display. Click the to close the message.

  3. Go to the [Request Type] Approval Groups grid to modify the copied approval group, if necessary. Refer to Refer to the Modifying an Approval Group topic for more information.

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